Thursday, November 19, 2020

Creating a Future of Forests

Do we really know why we should all strive to increase and maintain the forests in our country?

Did you know that forests are called the lungs of the environment? They are a factory of oxygen and various other very important natural resources. Can humans live without their lungs? Similarly, the environment too would not survive without forests. Let us take a look at forest conservation.


The few or many times we talk about forests nowadays is mostly in the context of climate change. We all know perhaps to a huge extent that forests are important to the sustainability of the planet but do we really understand the many services that forests offer us beyond helping curb climate change?

What would happen if we did not have forests in Kenya? Not even a single tree in sight? This thought is scary right? Even more scary is the fact that in Kenya, we are destroying forests at such an alarming rate that could possibly see us with no forests very soon.

Forest conservation as the name suggests is the preservation and the protection of forests. It also involves the reversal of deforestation and environmental pollution. The preservation of all natural resources is absolutely essential for the balance of our ecosystem.

What you can do as an individual or organisation to ensure we maintain and increase our forest cover;

1) Conserve trees and forests in your area.

Forests and trees, especially big trees and mature forests have many benefits. They provide habitat for a multitude of species, store carbon, maintain water quality, stabilize the climate, and provide places for people to recreate and connect with nature.

2) Plant trees - the more the better!

Reforestation is a critical part of the solution to climate change, and restoring previously degraded ecosystems provides essential habitat for threatened species. Plant trees in your community or donate to organizations that plant trees around the world. Keep in mind that planting trees should never be an excuse for destroying existing forests and, when you donate, make sure that your money goes toward restoring native ecosystems rather than planting timber monocultures destined for logging.

3) Advocate for climate change solutions.

Climate change is already impacting all aspects of human society and the natural world, especially forests. A warming climate will result in many species’ extinctions by disrupting the delicately balanced ecosystems on which countless creatures depend.

4) Teach kids about forests through books and outdoor exploration. 

Any initiative that doesn’t involve the youth is bound to fail but if you want to succeed, you must involve them. It is crucial to nurture conservation culture at the tender age. We want our children to be aware of a crucial role they have to play in the protection and environmental conservation at an early age so they can actively participate in the conservation of our environment. 

Kids are the future, inspire in them a love of our planet. Read books about trees, teach them about forest ecosystems or, better yet, explore a park with them! Not only is nature good for kids, exposure to nature as children is correlated with positive environmental attitudes as adults. Let their curiosity run wild, you might discover something too!

5) Share your love of forests with others.

One of the most powerful causes of forest destruction is ignorance. As ancient trees fall around the world and our society becomes increasingly separated from nature by cities and screens, we must all do our part to spread the word about the importance of forest ecosystems.

6) Support forest conservation organizations.

In the absence of effective and environmentally-friendly governance in many areas, organizations like Kikao Eco-Wild Conservation Initiative provide important organizational and monetary support for a variety of conservation efforts. Find a reputable conservation charity of your choice that speaks to you and send them a donation to support their programs. Or find a local forest nonprofit and volunteer!

We are responsible whenever we cause or permit pollution, deforestation. Our generation's opportunity and challenge is to transform our newfound awareness of the long-term dangers associated with the continued destruction of forest into positive actions that allow us to both protect and to use our global life assests.

We must all work together to ensure that these magical places survive and thrive for our children and grandchildren.

Humans will not survive without forests, period...!!

Spread awareness of forest issues, you can start by sharing this post on social media... 

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