Monday, November 9, 2020

Save Environment, Save Future Generation

Preservation and Conservation of the natural environment. 

We consume to live, we always have and always will. Kikao Eco-Wild Conservation Initiative advocates for different lifestyles - our choices dictate our desire and consumption. 

Waste is directly linked to the basic cycle of human desire and consumption. More things are desired (choice, diversity, evolution, population growth). So more things are consumed and more waste is generated. 

Consumption is affected by the degree of our desire, and our ability to meet our desire. e.g. Local community stalls (home made) versus international trade (made in China). Buying as much as we can for as little as we can presents major challenges. Little = not just Ksh. costs, but time and effort, the convenience factor!! 

When we buy a product, we also buy any waste associated with the product. We are all responsible for waste, it starts with us and ends with us.

It’s easy to consume less and produce less waste (mainly packaging): Control and prioritize our desires, change our perception of inconvenience, and recycle what you can.

We are the solution.

We all create waste and should take personal responsibility in reducing waste sent to landfills. If we adopt a zero-waste 100% recycling attitude we can make a difference in our lifetime for the next generation.

For the long run.

You are already a part of the solution to the problems that the world is facing but if you would like to consider doing more in supporting this course, Kikao Eco-Wild Conservation Initiative would be delighted to share with you in some of the projects that we are involved in and how you can support these.

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